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Locking rings for open-headed barrels
What is it?
These are metal rings which are used to hold the lid on an open-headed barrel. They usually have either a lever or a bolt to lock them into place. Both kinds are useful, as long as they are made of a sturdy metal such as steel. Tin rings dent and bend too easily.
How are they used?
These rings form the rim of a practice drum. Playing taiko includes striking the rim, so they need to take a hit or two, or a thousand. Sturdy, circular rings provide the best platform for creating the drum head from packing tape.
Fiber barrels
What are they?
These containers are made from durable wood fiber, like the thickest card stock you could imagine. They come in a variety of sizes and usually are open-headed with a locking ring to keep the lid on. They might be used to ship tomato sauce, welding wire, or powdered goods.
How are they used?
These barrels are used to create practice drums for schools, youth workshops, and beginners in taiko groups. Even experienced taiko players use these as a light, portable alternative to the traditional drums made from wine barrels and cow hide.