As part of our mission to grow the taiko community by sharing what we learn, Taiko Utah uses creative commons licensing as much as possible. The preferred license is non-commercial, share-alike with attribution, such as the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). This allows anyone to take our material, build on it, and share it with the community. We believe this is the best approach to building the taiko community.
More restrictive licenses may be used when necessary to assure the stability of Taiko Utah so we can continue growing and delivering on our mission. We will do our best to clearly indicate the licenses associated with each of the documents, guides, designs and products. If you ever wonder if something from Taiko Utah can be used, reach out to us and we’ll figure it out together.
Reach Out
Use this form to ask us questions about our intellectual property and the licenses to use it.